Download Film Red Sonja (1985)


Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Duration : 89 Min


After her family is murdered, a young woman named Red Sonja becomes a swordsman and seeks revenge on the evil queen responsible for the chaos that has befallen her. Once again, it appears that the Queen has stolen a powerful, well-guarded, glowing orb before it is destroyed; An orb that has its own power, allowing its owner to control elemental forces and summon winds and earthquakes if they wish. There, Kalidor, one of the people who oversaw the destruction of Orb, joins forces with Red Sonja because although their paths may be different, they may ultimately lead to the same goal. The kingdom of an eccentric prince, a young lord named Tarn, and his bodyguard/servant Falkon are soon illegally invaded by Gerden as a test of his new power.


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