Genre : Horror
Duration : 91 Min
Based on the best-selling novel by Gary Brandner, this horror film makes effective use of the classic werewolf story. Dee Wallace plays Karen White, a famous Los Angeles reporter who cannot escape the horror of the traumatic experience she endured while trying to catch Eddie Quist, a dangerous serial killer. When her psychologist recommends a retreat to "The Colony" on California's north coast, she reluctantly agrees, hoping to recover from her nightmarish visions. Karenand her husband arrive at a remote animal shelter and are shocked by the bizarre behavior of the motley group of residents. In the eerie, misty forests of Northern California, strange noises are heard at night, luring the members of the retreat into the forest.In her ordeal, Karen discovers the community's deadly secret: when they become sexually aroused, they turn into werewolves! The frightened journalist tries to escape her isolation and fights for her lifeagainst a werewolf den that is watching her. The picture is enriched with wonderful special effects, including several shocking sequences of a man's transformation into a monster.